这款烫发是在日本风磨一时,适合发量少的一组烫发,头发烫卷成细小的空气 烫,性感且时髦,应用高层次的裁剪方式去进行修剪,利用各种不同大中和小号数的卷 心去篇排在头上。这款发型的蓬松度非常好,且能烫出弹性十足的卷度让头发型状最少可以维 持8个月至一年左右。Ludic Perm的塑层次感和线条感也十分明显,是一个非常有带表性和女人味十足的烫发,也是momtz本店的爆款!
Ludic Perm leaves the top of the hair natural and the middle, bottom sections are permed, often with a variety of rod sizes to ensure the curl continues to look natural. A stack perm creates the illusion of layers, adding fullness and softness to your look. The shapely tendrils roam around the face and add a sassy edge to the feminine hairstyle.
Orphic Perm
Orphic Perm的优点就是可以修饰脸型又遮肉,而且还非常优雅有气质。这款大波浪烫发利用厚重感和层叠感的处理来凸显出浪漫欧美风。Orphic Perm应用低层次的方式去进行修剪,利用较大中和小的号卷子去混合让发型蓬松起来利用头发的厚度和圈的饱满去 呈现松乱质感,这款发型会有增加发量效果非常好搭配魅力妆容,尽展出超强气场欧美 明星范性感不失女人味。
Orphic Perm offering everything you adore about wavy strands. This perm relies on low-level way to trim while using both large and small rolls to make the hairstyle look fluffy. Orphic Perm are voluminous and flattering on most women.
Deese Perm
Deese Perm源自于韩国,也就是大家最常看到韩妞指定的浪漫卷发!它其实也就是我们 熟悉的S弯烫的结合!这款烫发的特点就是自然又蓬松,烫出来的头发空气感十足。Deese Perm应用放射形的方式,再用中层次进行修剪,整个头发都是以大的卷心去烫出最自然S形卷。这款发型呈现的是非常的飘逸和空气质量,非常的自然,时尚到来又显年轻,非常深受年轻人的喜爱!
Deese perm has been very popular recently! With their loose, romantic waves, this hairstyle looks natural while still appearing neat and increasing the volume of the hair. Deese perm are best for very straight hair, creating more volume, or for compelling the flyaway curls to cling together a bit more obediently!This perm works best on longer hair. If you’ve looked in the mirror and thought your hair looked limp, Deese perm will bring your hair back to life by creating some bounce and natural movement.
Folie Perm
这款卷发的发丝像泡面一样很多卷,并且是从发根开始。Folie Perm基本上可以说是不挑脸型的发型,不只很有复古感,他的卷度对于肉肉脸来说很友好。这发型尽量不要留刘海儿,这是因为两颊旁边头发的层次感与蓬松感能忠和掉脸型的线条,让视觉焦点转移达到修饰的效果。这款烫发应用低或中层次方式去进行修剪,然后再用最小的卷子去烫出圈圈。Folie Perm对于发量少的女生来说最适合了,整个头发都蓬松烫卷的设计,解决发量少的问题,看上去时髦又好看。
Folie perm uses both hot and cold technique to produce the bouncy curls. This perm is best for those who want to add bounce and interest to your hair.